to the Weighted Bill Company's revolutionary new golf aid site. Co-inventors Mark "Sparky" Ferbey and Manas "Ace" Dichow
(members of the winning 2003 Cider Cup Champions)have designed the world's most advanced golf aid, namely the "Weighted Bill".
The Weighted Bill is a golfing cap specially designed using a weight in the bill to train the golfer to "keep the head down",
resulting in more perfect golf shots. Already, in the first few weeks of a beta test among a group of 20 accomplished golfers,
2 hole in ones have been accounted for. Both golfers had never had one before. According to scientific assessment of the
group of 20 golfers, it is predicted that if the "weighted bill" was used as a training aid in the general population, it
would result in clusters of holes ones among great golfers in all corners of the globe. Now you too can purchase your own
"weighted bill" to make make your golf game better. For $29.95 Canadian you too can improve your game and possibly bag that
elusive hole in one. Email us at the address below to place your order. Group discounts and special labeling available upon
request. Email sparky@weightedbill.com.